Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birthdays and Randomness

This weekend is Hubby's 25Th birthday and I think I'm more excited than him.
Don't get me wrong, he is excited but I'm acting like its MY birthday. I feel like he is meeting a milestone in his life and its a big deal. He has accomplished so much in his life. We all couldn't be prouder.
So now that his birthday is rolling around I want to do something extra special for him. My Hubby is a very simple man; video games and comic books are what makes him giddy. He wants food of course, so I am make an elaborate strawberry cake and a tasty steak dinner. As for a gift, I am completely clueless. He has stocked up on video games for a while and he has books to what do I do?
Does anybody have any ideas???
Today was a normal day of running errands and planning the party that will be held at my Grandma's house. Our friends will be joining us and I couldn't be happier. I love being surrounded by family and friends for such a joyous occasion.
Before I got married, I rarely cooked. Seemed like I always had somebody else doing that for me lol. But when Hubby came along, that all changed. I wanted to be the perfect little Domestic Goddess.
I clean, I wash, I run errands, but most of all I cook.
And let me just tell you, I LOVE IT. I never knew I had such a passion for food. I mean I had the passion to eat it up lol but I like to cook now as well. This passion has turned into thoughts of going to school to be a chef. I am super stoked and nervous at the same time. I know I will give it 110 percent, this is my future we are talking about after all. I am just so happy I finally found my calling.
In January, I graduated from school majoring in Criminal Justice. Before I graduated, I knew it wasn't what i wanted to do with my life, but I am thankful I'm done with something. That degree will be my backup plan and now I am off to bigger and better things.
Emeril , you officially have some competition!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mussels and Haircuts......

Today was one of those lazzzzzzzy days. I ran a couple of errands since the snow melted and it was warmer(WTH VIRGINIA!?)
Walked my dog, and watched cartoons.


Is it the weekend yet?
My hubby had a long and rough day at work so i decided to make him something ultra special that included two things he loves; seafood and pasta.
The end result?


Mussel, shrimp, tomatoey(I made up the word , darn it!) pasta goodness!

Well anyways, I know yall's stomach growling so I'll move on to something else. ha ha!

That's me!
lol ignore the Jimmy Neutron in the background. (thought i was joking when i said i was into cartoons huh? )Thanks to Apricotea for inspiring me to go short! I am loving this haircut! I think it looks very becoming on
me, not to mention its a cinch to style. If there are any ladies thinking of going short, GO FOR IT! Its very liberating and It only takes you 10 min. to style your hair!
Lately I've been excising and trying to get back into shape. When I met Hubby I was 105 pounds and wearing a size 1 jeans. Its almost been two years later and guess where I am now? 145 pounds! WTH right?!! lol Now I'm not saying anything is wrong with this,I love my body with the extra weight especially since all the sudden I have an ass! I just want to stay healthy and in shape for one day I want kids and I just want to stay healthy period. I think I'm doing a pretty good job although a Twix will lead me a stray every now and again. But for the most part, I watch my portions and stay active. But boy O boy , is it HARD.
*Ooo a Twix landed in my lap, how did THAT happen...*
Ciao for now folks!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Hubby and I woke up and found this stuff outside.....

WOW! I haven't seen snow in a lonnnnnng time and was already dreaming about the cup of hot cocoa I would be consuming while bundled up.

Hubby and I crossed our fingers for a snow day, but alas he only got a 2 hour delay and off to work he went! Not only did he have to work today but he also had duty! (this is when the a marine has to stay on base the whole night and watch the barracks...basically a R.A. for the military barracks) My poor darling! So I thought I'd take him a special dinner and carry it to him ; lunch box style! Something hearty that sticks to the tummy (I'm such a cornball...)

I made:
Broccoli and Cheese Soup

Chicken Parmesan Sandwiches

Let me just say that this meal was delicious! I really stuck my whole leg and foot into this meal! lol Hubby raved about it the whole night, I was really proud.

Aren't I just the little housewife?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lazy Weekends Make Me Smile

I LOVE the weekend.
Hubby is home; No errands to run; I can sleep in; No working out....the list goes on and on!
This weekend was by far one of the funnest for me. Friday night my mom came and spent the night, this a rarity but I was ecstatic! We spent the night chatting, eating, listening to music, watching movies and some mixed drinks in a glass. Saturday we all piled in the car and visited grandma. We played DVD Jeopardy and ate some more. I love spending time with my family. Our relationships are really healing and moving forward. Me and Hubby departed and we traveled home to spend some quality time together to talk about our future and goals...We didn't go to bed til 4 in the morning!
Its a rainy Sunday and we love when it rains on the weekend. We slept in til 2 in the afternoon( the sound of rain REALLY relaxes us) then got up to eat cereal and bagels like it was 7 in the morning.
Ahhhhh, lazy weekends make the hustle and bustle of the weekdays all worth while.