Thursday, March 5, 2009

Birthdays and Randomness

This weekend is Hubby's 25Th birthday and I think I'm more excited than him.
Don't get me wrong, he is excited but I'm acting like its MY birthday. I feel like he is meeting a milestone in his life and its a big deal. He has accomplished so much in his life. We all couldn't be prouder.
So now that his birthday is rolling around I want to do something extra special for him. My Hubby is a very simple man; video games and comic books are what makes him giddy. He wants food of course, so I am make an elaborate strawberry cake and a tasty steak dinner. As for a gift, I am completely clueless. He has stocked up on video games for a while and he has books to what do I do?
Does anybody have any ideas???
Today was a normal day of running errands and planning the party that will be held at my Grandma's house. Our friends will be joining us and I couldn't be happier. I love being surrounded by family and friends for such a joyous occasion.
Before I got married, I rarely cooked. Seemed like I always had somebody else doing that for me lol. But when Hubby came along, that all changed. I wanted to be the perfect little Domestic Goddess.
I clean, I wash, I run errands, but most of all I cook.
And let me just tell you, I LOVE IT. I never knew I had such a passion for food. I mean I had the passion to eat it up lol but I like to cook now as well. This passion has turned into thoughts of going to school to be a chef. I am super stoked and nervous at the same time. I know I will give it 110 percent, this is my future we are talking about after all. I am just so happy I finally found my calling.
In January, I graduated from school majoring in Criminal Justice. Before I graduated, I knew it wasn't what i wanted to do with my life, but I am thankful I'm done with something. That degree will be my backup plan and now I am off to bigger and better things.
Emeril , you officially have some competition!


  1. strawberry cake and steak....mmmm....sounds good!
    he is a very lucky man!
    i suck at suggesting gifts, but i hope you get him something really wonderful.
    wish him a superb happy birthday!

  2. culinary school sounds so cool! Im not married but when I moved in with my now ex boyfriend, I cooked every night! I love to cook now!

  3. I soooo understand the domestic goddess thing... I was totally pulled into it when I got married! I still want to throw my husband down the stairs sometimes when he doesn't clean EVER, but for the most part I just love pretending to give Martha Stewart a run for her money. :) BTW, your meals look fab-u-lous, you should post some recipes!!
