Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Mussels and Haircuts......

Today was one of those lazzzzzzzy days. I ran a couple of errands since the snow melted and it was warmer(WTH VIRGINIA!?)
Walked my dog, and watched cartoons.


Is it the weekend yet?
My hubby had a long and rough day at work so i decided to make him something ultra special that included two things he loves; seafood and pasta.
The end result?


Mussel, shrimp, tomatoey(I made up the word , darn it!) pasta goodness!

Well anyways, I know yall's stomach growling so I'll move on to something else. ha ha!

That's me!
lol ignore the Jimmy Neutron in the background. (thought i was joking when i said i was into cartoons huh? )Thanks to Apricotea for inspiring me to go short! I am loving this haircut! I think it looks very becoming on
me, not to mention its a cinch to style. If there are any ladies thinking of going short, GO FOR IT! Its very liberating and It only takes you 10 min. to style your hair!
Lately I've been excising and trying to get back into shape. When I met Hubby I was 105 pounds and wearing a size 1 jeans. Its almost been two years later and guess where I am now? 145 pounds! WTH right?!! lol Now I'm not saying anything is wrong with this,I love my body with the extra weight especially since all the sudden I have an ass! I just want to stay healthy and in shape for one day I want kids and I just want to stay healthy period. I think I'm doing a pretty good job although a Twix will lead me a stray every now and again. But for the most part, I watch my portions and stay active. But boy O boy , is it HARD.
*Ooo a Twix landed in my lap, how did THAT happen...*
Ciao for now folks!

1 comment:

  1. Love the hair AND that lip color!!

    Yes!! They have them in black too and I had to hold back from purchasing both! But if you are near St Louis in the future and you need some help, I would love to do so! Thanks for visiting my blog too!
